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I have some suggestions :

- When on an apprentices page, that you see who their mentor is

 - On the index clan page thing (forgot the name, forgive me) where you see the whole clan names/colors ect and who is elders and such, that it goes like this : 


Apprentice, Seedpaw 

Just so we know who goes to who. 

- When patroling if we can have a small view cat stats, where you click on the cat to patrol, and it's an option to choose bio and you see all the info like you would when visiting the clan thing and seeing bio, just a smaller version. Again, this goes with the mentor thing on the apprentices. I feel when trying to RP and find the mentors and apps, it would be a lot easily. 

- Lastly, in order to see the other cats on the patroling page, an option to scroll down. It's annoying how you can't see the other cats until you send others on patrol. A lot of people have lots of cats. 

That's all for now!