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Hello, Unrelated to the asset pack you are looking for, I run a tiktok account with 124,000 followers, my average video gets 80,000 veiws. I would love to try out some of your games and showcase them. please email me if you are interested:

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sure you can do your video about my game , i love that

I am looking for keys to your game so I can review them. Please email me I would love to talk more,

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witch game exactly you want the free key download of it ?

Mario and Zelda were the two I wanted to make videos on, i think those .2 would spike peoples interest the most

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I sent both games to your email account

thanks & waiting for the videos

Hi Tamorage.

I have several haptic device and I am sure your games could have a star more  if you can add haptic support with an update. Here I share info about plugins that may can help:

Any chance for adding “bhaptic Arms” for Goshtbusters, and update bhapfic vest+arms for previous games like zelda. Thanks

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ghostbuster now enable the Bhaptic feature the (Vest)

i have Tactal+Arms+Vest+Feets bhaptic devices, so what more a game more inmersion 🤤. Thanks

Zelda with vest for damage, and arms for shield and sword could be awesome 🤩.🤞

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can you help me to add my game in bhaptic games list