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Hey there you two,

I would also like to mention, unless there is a very high count of traits, that the stat boost and the like are rather... negligible.

2% HP boost from one trait is really nothing

0,5% cnounter rate? math would say you need to be very, very lucky to execute that.

1% EXP? Also the same

Though if you can stack them with others they might be useful, but as you said this is far from completed and i assume a lot are placeholders.

Can't really say if i found hidden content, though i would give you guys the tip, if you want an immersive world, you can make some comments when we look at say barrels, that they are closed, give of a certain smell, etc. Its a lot of work to do that, sure, but at the end many would like that i would bet. (Beyond the sparkles that indicate there is treasure)

Additionally a dash option would probably be good as well, though you probably took that out for a reason.

Visually the game is really appealing as well. (Well done maps there. Though the mine cart thing felt like a chore when i went back there to gather those last two chests.... lol but that was the only time it felt like a chore ngl.)

Furthermore, i hope we get a way to get those nifty shields the monsters have (kuddos that you didnt forget to take them from the cultists and themis, so i assume we won't get them anytime soon if at all.. ).

And i check daily and follow interesting looking projects. Only pays of every few months, but i am glad it did today =P

Additionally.... the prices seem to be all over the place. And its... also weird how little those 4 have available. Cause everyone should have had 10 roots (10/4 = 2,5 and i doubt you get half a root) at the beginning.... maybe have them say they used quite a bit of stuff going there.  Or that they left most of it in there room (To claim later... or maybe it was stolen? Who knows.) But this is nitpicking on small details. haha

Have a good day again. I expected way more bugs for a demo but i didn't get to cliff out of the map yet lol

Thanks for your additional feedback! :)
Many of the things you have thought about we've actually also had on our mind before, so im feeling like we are on the same page about a few things :)
The dash for example, as you suspected we took it out, that was because it just neither looked nor felt good and we wan to improve on that drastcally before we add it.
We were also already thinking about inserting more flavor by being able to inspect interesting stuff in the world.

I am very happy that you played it to the end, and that you find our project interesting :)
We will keep working hard to make the release day be reasonable (we a re mostly a two man team after all)
