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I was referring to the persons you see at the pier, also I was looking at the trello map and was wondering if the Kangeroo would be in the Castle or just the first tier of the woods?.

Oh, if you mean the people at the pier then you should still be able to see them again. One of them only appears in the evening when the sky changes colour, and the other two should usually be there every night.

Also the Kangaroo will be at the Castle area.

And I see in another comment you were asking about the Wario Pill and the Halloween event. The Wario Pill is still in the game - it's a drop you can get from beating the shark. And for the Halloween event, finding all of the items should be pretty straightforward. There's one aspect of the update that might be tricky to figure out, and when you get to it I'll answer any questions - I just don't want to say too much about it though because I want that to be a surprise