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This game has been on my radar for a long time but I was always kind of uninterested in actually playing due to my experience with similiar games/stories. Once I actually got the courage to open it I was incredibly suprised at first and ecstatic once I reached the ending. I played it with a constant raised eyebrow at what dumb trope might come next but time and time again I was pleasantly suprised.

Take for example the feather he brings back to camp if you win the cardgame, I was 100% sure the big baddie would notice it and the whole plot would descend into somewhere else, but nope!

And the fact that it did not end as a "happy forever after" but instead an actual realisitc conclusion! Talk about immersion! I was on the edge of my seat and emotionally invested throughout the whole experience!

And thank god the sweaty emotionally crippled wounded people did not decide to have sex from out of nowhere.

I know this "review" might have sounded quite negative but you actually inspired me to work on my game when im supposed to be on break due to how simply brilliant this was handled! GOOD FUCKING WORK!

[If it wasnt for the fact that I am dirt poor I would have donated, sry ;(]