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why you feel like I'm going one one one one one one one one one Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan "why am I doing this  help"  Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan and Pakistan pack of sand Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan  "please help me I really need your help please please  why am I doing this someone hacked into my account " do Hindu Hindu Hindu Hindu ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga ooga ooga ooga ooga ooga ooga ooga booga booga booga booga booga booga booga "help me please help I've been stuck here for 12 years"  ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga "he's coming towards me he has a knife in his hand ready to kill me" the same Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan and Packers Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Hindu Hindu Hindu Hindu Hindu Hindu Hindu Hindu Hindu Hindu Hindu Hindu Hindu Hindu Hindu Hindu Hindu Hindu "I just want to see my family again I've been stuck here for 12 years I haven't ate for 2 months  I'm forced to say this on"
