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The two-at-a-time platformer concept itself is perhaps a little overused, but the theme of having the levels within a phone and the apps being obstacles makes the idea fresh. I think the music could have fit a little better, maybe something "hacker"-y and sneaky to match the objective of the game. Overall, not a bad entry!

If you have the time, you should totally rate my submission -

(1 edit)

Hello bilbin! Thanks for your feedback! 

I totally agree that the music doesn't fit with the theme of the game. I focused more on the gameplay and totally forgot about the music:)) so I used the first thing that sounded decent. 

I will play your game as soon as possible. The thing is that now I'm on holiday and I don't have my computer with me. I won't be able to play any games. I'm writing to you now using my phone. 

But I promise that as soon as I get home I'll play your game and leave you a comment on your page:) 



Hey no worries! :)