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(1 edit)

Question about Mary, for depravation is says "Event Unavailable" rather than Work In Progress. Should I assume these are hold the same meaning as I have here to nearly 6 depravation hearts with still no available event?

Another question.. does appeal cap at 73?

Is the event unlocked in the gallery for Mary? If so then don’t worry since that’s the only depravity event for Mary in the update 

Yes it is, if there's only 4 of em. Thank you!

you are welcome!

Lmao sorry but one more question... So is the time you get caught with Kaede by Shizuka not a memory? And what do I do until December if I have everything else done

That scene with Kaede should be available in Kaedes section in the gallery. To do the Christmas event you just need to have enough progress with yui, kaede, and Shizuka and to start it you need to be in December of course lol