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Hey bro, i'm stuck when I healed blackfire, the hint ask me to earn 1000 dollars but i spend the reward in queen already, how can I gain more money ?

Work on Miko's office and earn money on weekly basis.

Miko's Office don't work properly in the v0.3. 

A fix for that probably there's only first quests a little strange The missions are very close by but 5 dollars for a medkit in a New City to teleport that's sad to end It there.

Can you explain clearly what are the problems? I can fix it immediately

The game work fine I mean no bug appeared, BUT the mission of the blackfire is definitive I mean you can't do nothing in that point the PC of Kara's job din't work I check on it 10 times but nothing happend.

You can't work in the weekends. Try work on weekdays and let me know if it's not working

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It's not, I tested it (Week or weekends)

You clicked the left side table right? Not the one Miko uses.

And if possible can you tell me exactly when the problem occurred (which mission or event) or share me your save file?

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Both,..I'm not sure but There's a laptop somewhere and a table with a computer, they din't work for me the option to gain dollars don't show up. (Maybe if there was a different way of transaction or something, it would be faster than fast travel, I don't know if I'm explaining myself, but I'm just saying there would be 2 methods in case there's a weird bug).

It must be a bug somehow then. if possible send me your save file to . I will fix it or find a solution how you can escape the bug. or join in this discord link