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It is way WAY to big for my screen. Can you just make it where it has more then just 2 options for screen thing. like make a second option under it  for lets say game SIZE and also make it where an options menu is on the title screen NEXT to all the buttons since some screens might now be able to see under a few button

believe me, I've been trying. dozens of people have asked the exact same thing, and because of the way pygame works, it's gonna be pretty tough to implement without rewriting my entire game. If i can get it to work, I'll lyk

can't you just copy the game and then make the window size smaller or smth?

There is an easy way out where I can just blit everything to a separate surface, resize it, and render it to the window, but it'd double the lag unfortunately :(

Go into settings after selecting a level [ESC to pause > click on settings] change the window mode from borderless to windowed.

I'm reading these in order of comment just STOP

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