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Hello Wafflgeasm, thanks for your thoughts. the minute theme is when you enter the combat zone you have one minute to kill as much as you can and in a boss fight, this theme really shows.  And for the UnderWater Theme, the knight is cursed with the raining cloud.  Thanks again For Your critic ill make sure to keep it in mind when I decided to work on an update. Have A Nice One.


He's literally under, water, gotcha. Alright yeah, I can see those themes now.  I don't think I'd mind the combat at all if I didn't play a ton of souls-like games. Idk if that's what you were going for but that's how it read to me. If you were going for a salt and sanctuary/dead souls kinda combat,  just try to remember genre conventions. It can be very interesting when you twist or break them, but people familiar with that genre may feel like the game doesn't fit in if it's missing something. Picture JRPGs without stat/equipment management.