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Hello everyone, I'm wanting to add more villains to the CTPverse, so if you have a character that you think would be a good villain in the CTPverse then please supply a short personality description, significant traits (weaknesses, weapon of choice, etc.), and finally it is required you supply an image of said character. NOTE IF YOUR CHARACTER DOESN'T GET CHOSEN, ITS NOTHING PERSONAL AND ALSO DESIGN I MAKE MAY NOT BE 100% ACCURATE TO YOUR DESIGN. 


hes an evil twin of eidk he is evil and he will do anything and get out of his way just to tear out someones organs. he does not feel shame or sadness he only feels evil inside. he was created inside a lab when eidk was captured by someone. being created as a doppelganger but gone wrong. instead came a weird pentagon headed person with skinny limbs named deidk. he stabbed eidk but eidk had the upper hand. his weakness is another pentagon other than him. they are disobediant. his weapon of choice is a giant sledgehammer.

this is the best i can draw


Human form

The names, FPS Counter.

Yet another clone of Lagstep.

Basically wanting to stop him (or kill him.) Him weakness is fucking electricity. (wait don't fuck the electricity AAH) Weapon of choice: A Sword. His favorite food is mash potatoes & Gravy.

P.S. The glasses come off in serious situations. Ex: The last game of SQUID GAMES! !

the moonlings (this is pretty long so if you dont have the time to read all of this then read all of it when you have more freetime, sorry)

personality: very vengeful and will do anything to find their dad.

weakness: sudden bursts of light

weapon of choice: when they find a battle axe, they automatically use it, but when they can't find an axe, they just use their hands

favorite food: spaghetti

backstory: when the earth was created, some species on the earth were hit by a green glowing asteroid, mutating the anomalies into the moonlings that cannot die from old age. their father was sadly killed in the explosion and when the earth evolved, the moonlings made it to the moon, giving them the "moonlings" name. as they evolved over time, the moonlings could merge into eachother to make a stronger entity. they will do ANYTHING, and i mean ANYTHING to find their father again, without knowing that he had died over 600 million years ago.

image of a moonling:

I just want another Meri but she has the personality of Robotnik in AOSTH

"Oh boy, I'm gonna make some file explorer stew"