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Day 117, yes the day count are now accurate now, previously I count them in my head and turns out it was wrong by a lot of margins :(

I have two things to talk about:

1. Remember R. Nelson? The second boss of the game? I've change his design into a cavern anglerfish being casted a spell that makes humanoids, including Minlie

He's turned into an angler man-fish named Anglor Lophis. I for some reason make a concept art instead of... you know... continue the progress :/

2. The player shooting system is now reworked completely, why? Because of a game-breaking dilemma. Originally, you are required to get ammos(gemrocks or just coins) to progress. But you have three lives and it probably won't be upgraded, so healing is a smart gamer move

But how to you healed? 25 of the ammos required to progress. So either you died a lot or softlock the game because you ran out of the ammos

So now we have a new auto refill 5 bullet system where the refill timer is slower the more ammo you have, the new healthbar or armorbar being the helmet, chestplate, leggings and boots. And you required 5 bullets to heal or repair your armor

So that's all people, and the New hurt animation for the player is still worked and I got a list of tasks for this game so no this game is NOT abandoned ;)