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This is super cool! I do have a few suggestions:

1: Add an option to leave when you get the boat so that you can keep exploring.

2: Add bridges to travel easier

3: Add bows and arrows

4: Skeletons with bows that sometimes drop

5: Types of potions

6: Armor (stone, iron, gem, etc)

7: Large inventory limit

8: Section in your inventory just for tools

9: Make some way to throw items to get rid of them (like your old wooden tools)

10: Make items last for longer

11: I don't know if this is possible, but could you add hotkeys for items? (Z + up, Z + right, etc)

12: Different modes (creative, normal, respawning)

13: Different table/bench to make gem tools/armor (like a forge or something)

14: More buried treasure and tailsmans

15: Different types of walls and doors to make a base (wooden wall, wooden door, stone wall, stone door, iron wall, iron door, etc)

Ok, it might have been more than a few suggestions, but I think that these changes would make the game more fun, while not exactly copying Minecraft.

m i n e c r a f t : )