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Just finished this game. What a great read. It's enjoyable and i love Kieran's personality. 

Spoiler Alert

Honestly though, i wish it's longer like other VNs, like the entire week before the adventure or even during the adventure will help developing the characters and make me even more attached to them. Like, Remus' betrayal (and defeat) just made me went oh okay because i didn't really... care for him. Same goes with other characters like Wes, Cedric, and Luke. Don't get me wrong, i love them and their void-fantasy and good ending made me sad and smile (especially Wes' route. God i love that tiger man) and it sticks in my head for a few days but i wish there's... more chances and scenes to made their route even more impactful to me/players.

That's my only complain, but i still love this game. Wes best boy. Baby i love you so much.

Also i don't think Cedric's (good) end is as sad as people says. Cedric said he promise to keep in contact with Kieran and even give him 'green light' about their relationship. It sucks he's going away for a while sure, but it's not the end of their relationship. I can still picture a scene of Cedric growing more confident and ready for Kieran after few years which lead to them getting married. Like, it's still really possible in his good end lol.