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Stories From the Ctp Archives... Entry #4, The VHS Trope Story... 

So: Ok Coolguy, it's 3am, you have the stupid fucking tape correct...?


Ae: I still have no idea why you're so... Excited...?

C: BECAUSE! The last people who viewed this "cursed tape" DIED! Do you know what that means!?

Ae: That we're gonna kill ourselves, or be skinned or possessed or some stupid shit like that? 

C: NOO! Obviously the ways the last known three people to watch the tape died in such normal ways that it's a coincidence! Think about it, heat stroke, car and then died in hospital, and then diabetus killing the last one!

So: Those things shouldn't be normalized...

C: My bad.

Ae: So are we gonna watch the stupid thing or sit here and speak until it hits 4'o'fucking A.M?


So: this... Won't end excellent will it...





C: Well that sucked, wasn't even scary.

Ae: I know right, well I'm going to bed.

C: See y'all in the morn'.

Ae: Stop that.

C: What?

Ae: "morn'"


Ae: see ya! ... Soip you coming?

So: I'll walk home...


ring-a-rong ring-a-rong ring-a-rong

Ae: Good morning Soip!

So: He- Hey uh Aetrul I need you to come over to [CENSORED] immediately o- okay!?

Ae: Uh... Alright then?




Ae: Alright Soip, what's up?

So: Look, don't freak out... But I need you to look in that storage unit...

Ae: Okay, wh-...

*Upon the two's gaze was a skinned corpse of Coolguy, blood all over the floor*

Ae: WHA- *HOLP* 

*Aetrul puked at the sight of his dear friend's corpse, tears streaming down Aetrul's distraught face... When suddenly*

So: Guess you were right about one of us being skinned, huh.

Ae: Ho- How can you be so- so calm right n- now...? Coolguys co- co- corpse... is right there, how are you so calm...

So: Meh...

Ae: MEH!? MEH!? MEH!? What the HELL is wro- wrong with you!?

So: Lots... I mean, I've been through a lot...

*Aetrul, nervous, looked around to see what could have happened, until he saw a knife in the corner of the storage unit, along with the vhs and a gun... Aetrul knew what to do.*

*He bolted to the gun, and aimed it at Soip in anger*

Ae: What the actual FUCK is wrong with you!?

So: I wouldn't be holding that if I were you...

Ae: Oh sure, try and stop me. Or better yet, take this shot to the head! 



So: And then I saw Aetrul kill himself, tears were running off my cheeks as I had just witnessed my best friends deaths...

News Reporter: Thank you for your words... Do you think you know why this happened.

So: That cursed tape, if we hadn't viewed it this would have never happened. If only Aetrul hadn't convinced us... If only...

News Reporter: Thank you for your time Soip. And we here at Channel 3 News are sorry for your loss.

So: Thank you for listening... Have a good night...

News Reporter: Following this tragic event, the tape will be hidden away where no one would think to look... I am Tom Rider, signing off.




So: Heheh... HEheh... HEHEHEHAHAHAH!

So?: Those fools set me free once more, the cycle will continue, spirits within that tape will come free upon being viewed by a group of 3, then 2 will die tragically and the third will be free once and for all... No one will stop us...

*Little did the possessed Soip know, someone found the whole situation fishy and just heard all they needed to know... A determined man and their best friend... Just found out the truth, and now need to find this tape...*

"Will we find this tape... That I do not know... But if there is a hope of this 'cycle' breaking, then it is up to me and Chitoz... I am Eidk Whichlank... And hopefully my next writing here will be about me finding this tape and breaking the cycle once and for all."