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Completed the game. Very solid entry, interesting weapon designs, i like how you charge back your health through enemies corpses to ascend again. A bit too difficult on one or two rooms, but a very enjoyable experience overall. Good ambience.

Did i saw a goatse reference on map 2 or that was just me seeing things where i shouldn't XD

Easily readable pickups, that's a good one.

There were moments where I thought projectiles were going to hit a wall, but i guess projectiles have small radius, so they hit me anyway, very good weapon sound effects.

Smooth framerate, that's a bonus :p

Good stuff.


Thanks for the feedback! The thing you thought was a goatse reference was not. Most of the games art is inspired by Dante's poems, mostly pieces from the divine comedy. The thing you're referring to was taken from a piece that featured this guy

hahaha, yeah, it makes sense. It would had been too random to have a reference to such an obscure random internet meme.

I read the game wanted to have more dante's like stuff on it, but i'm not that aware of the imagery dante's has, so that's why it flew me off my radar.

My second impression was someone's mouth, like, that definitely has to be a nose XD


It's definitely a rough model haha. I really should have added human teeth to it. Big missed opportunity. 

Some more references: The enemy that shoots three projectiles had their face texture sourced from a painting of inferno, the screaming faces was a reference from either inferno or purgatory, I can't remember. The hands were a reference to a description giving in purgatory, the layers idea came from purgatory, or rather the idea to make the game purgatory came from my idea for the layers. 

I was really hoping to add more references though! I have a full Google doc full of things I wanted to add from the divine comedy but they didn't make it in.