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Thank you for the detailed answer. :) (You were not forced to address my every remark, I am a bit of a fussy nerd, writing everything down. XD)

10. Nice idea but you give too much power to the player, it’s deadly to skip for no reason, so you’ll have to think about it twice with our system ^^

Yes, I gave it some thought afterwards and realized it. So, it was not a ‘nice’ idea, but a terrible one. XD

13. This sound occurs when you try to do something you are not allowed to, like using a spell with not enough mana or performing an action which is not on the current dice.

This is what I understood; I was just noting the contrast between magic and mechanics/machinery. ;) (By the way, one game that mixes the two is Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura; never played it, but saw a video about it, and it seemed interesting, from the creators of the original Fallout and in the same vein, with an awful lot of freedom as to how the events depend on you.)

16. […] every enemies have a “weight”, and every level pool is made of the sum of enemies weight. So level 18 pool is 20 (for example), a magician weight 10, that's why you have 2 magicians, but level 17 pool is 18 so you can only have one magician or zero!

Cunning system, I like it. :) It reminds me of the general ‘bag’ concept, which is used at least in some versions of Tetris to select the next few pieces (RNGenie Corp from the game jam used it; funny game by the way, try it if you did not ;)), except yours is weighted.

stay this awesome

All right, I’ll try. It comes naturally to me, though. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) *stated in a deep Duke Nukem voice*
More seriously, I wish every game got its well-deserved review and its fair share of votes. I tested almost exclusively few voted-on games, yours was on the list. ;) It’s unconscionable my comment is the only one you had, and you had this few votes (while some clickbait thumbnails skyrocketed in popularity)… ._. Of course, votes are not an end in themselves, but it means less people came to see your work.

I created a personal collection Petits bijoux (that would be Little Gems in French) where I put your game as an inauguration; I am a total nobody (so, do not expect to get on the news XD), but still. :) (I may add other game jam games there, I have yet to decide. I put No More Mr.Dice Guy in Humour, but I wavered a bit with letting it in the other category. XD)