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I'm interested in buying your stuff. My question is: How is it written on my credit card history bill?

I'll admit I have no idea. You don't pay directly, but through either paypal, or stripe, but I am not sure how those companies list the transaction.

I'm asking because I bought I game from groinpaingames, and on my history bill it appears "GROINPAINGAMES" written. So now I ask before buying.

I get that, and I have bought the groinpaingames stuff, but I cannot find the statements for the purchase. I just bought my own games after you ask, to test, but the transaction hasn't shown up in my bank yet. If I had to ask it would probably show up as "HAVOCKBB", but that is just a guess. It might take a few more days for the transaction I did the other day to show up, so only then can I give you a real answer. 

Using the credit card option showed up as "ITCH.IO - GAME STORE" for the purchase statement.
