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Cute game! Having to quickly assess the enemies while also looking at what potion you have / are going to get, while also navigating the room proved to be a good challenge. Having the Right-click to save is also a good touch, since it has its trade offs of choosing to hold something like water for a long time incase you need it, or save different colors more often to make sure you always have options.

Although, I did find out that you can pretty easily go into a corner and just constantly throw potions onto the ground, making a super puddle of every color and not have to worry about the enemies.

Maybe having some sort of reason to move around the map would help this, like maybe needing to go to different parts of the map to refill certain colors, or get more water.

It would also be cool if there were some potions to help you (while it goes against the theme of the jam), it would be fun to be running from a enemy you don't have the color for, so you throw down a potion that makes you move faster or makes them move slower. Just random ideas.

Art is cute :)

Thanks so much for taking the time to get these notes down, and for being our first player :D

I've done a couple things that address your feedback:

  1. We added ammo & a "hard mode" (which neutralizes potion puddles when they mix) to hopefully get players out of the corner and running around
  2. I've added a couple special potions which come up rarely:  "bomb" and "health" both of which benefit the player, rather than hurting them.

You're notes were seriously invaluable, I think they've helped us bring this game to a much more completed form, so seriously thank you, you have a great eye for game design and I loved trip+trap a lot.

If these modifications would've affected your rating, we'd be super grateful for re-evaluation :)