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(I am now in a rush to test as many games as possible to help, so please do not mind the cursory reviewing style.)

controls are QWERTY-only instead of layout-independent, BUT arrow keys are enabled

as per TheLastMage, maybe make the player faster? OR not if you do the following

Suggestion: for the moment, we do not know which direction the cube is going to choose to rotate; I think putting an indication at the last moment would put the reflexes of the player to the test in a pleasant way! :) Something like a shiny ‘RIGHT!’ in the top or bottom middle.

Concept looks promising! Too bad you only had less than three hours, but it is precisely great to have come up with this in such a short time. Necessity is the mother of invention. ;)


thanks for the feedback! And indicator for which side was gonna rotate was something I had planned, but you can only do so much in 3 hours lol


Oh, great you had thought about it! :)

I don’t know if you have the same tendency as I have, but I realize I should maybe be readier to sacrifice details for functionality; in this case, perhaps you could have written it in plain standard font, even continuously, with no effect at all. I am not sure how this goes in Unity, but I know some frameworks would have allowed this in a matter of minutes or even under a minute.

Anyway, now you have more time. ;)