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If you've ever enjoyed a VN before, give this game a shot.

Admittedly, near the beginning, I wasn't too into the style. The characters' eyes were weirdly piercing, and the MC looked like a real gaunt motherfucker. Throw in a step-family, make it in Ren'Py, and distribute it all for the low, low cost of free, and you have just another eroge that you open for a few hours, maybe rub one out to, and eventually delete from your computer without even recognizing it from the sea of H-games you've downloaded over the years. But no, this one was actually really solid.

The characters had actual personalities (and not just at a shallow archetype-level), the main character isn't an insufferable horndog, the overarching plot is intriguing, and, obviously, the character models and animations themselves are all great. The writing had me laughing more often than I would have thought, and I certainly didn't expect to have a favorite character when I started, but there definitely was one who grew on me unexpectedly.

The best part is that this game is finished! You don't have to wait however long for a new cocktease to be released to the public like with so many others -- you can just play the whole thing right there, which is something I absolutely recommend doing!

TL;DR: Play it. It's not as generic as you think. (But, like, I don't mean that in an ominous way. It's just really good.)

Thank you very much for your comment!

Is there any chance for a Harem Sex Scene 🥺?