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Sorry dude, but this is unplayable. I dig your art style, and it's a neat concept for a game. I really wish I was masochistic enough to press on and see more of this, but I'm just not. As others have mentioned the turning the camera is terrible, the perspective feels all wrong and its hard to drive. Also, novel as that view is, the mother takes up way too much of the screen. I also really don't fucking understand why you're making the interact button do double duty as the look down button...why can't wasd move on both axes, and the mouse look on both axes? I'm generally pretty tolerant of broken/work in progress stuff, and honestly probably would have worked through that if the dialog text wasn't absolutely microscopic. That put it over the edge from something you have to work to play a little bit into full on sufferfest. Oh, also it completely breaks windows if you switch focus away from the game while it is running. It won't give the mouse back and then I think, but I'm not sure, that the game also crashes either at that point or when you try to switch back. I say I think because you just can't switch back to it, and killing it from the taskbar doesn't work, so I can only assume (no 'not responding' message is given or anything). The only recourse is to know how to drive the task manager keyboard-only.