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Alright so like. I've downloaded games to my computer before. I'm not new to the process for installing stuff and about a year ago I was able to download the game just fine. but I gots sum problemz wit this new sheit. I was able to download and extract the files without a problem but an error message pops up saying that I am unable open the application with a question under it asking if I would like to learn why. I press on it: nothing. I then believe that I can't open it because I don't have installed. Install can't find the game on the app or website. I then think that it's because I don't have the two installation requirements to run the game. Install both: both say that I already have them on my computer. Boi all I wanna do is just play the gaaaaaaaaaaaamme.

and yes, I am aware that I can play it on steam but I wanna see sum of the... *cough cough*