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Is there anyway to restart my progress, like wipe my data clean? I want to take my time with the game again since the massive update which wiped all save data (0.30). I felt like I rushed it and never truly took the time to enjoy each and every little scene of the game since the update.

(1 edit)

In PC version, you can delete all your saves and persistent file (file which contain your important data) by delete it from your 'save' folder in your 'game' folder and in %appdata%/renpy/lustfuldesire....

Your game process will be restarted like you first download this game. Dialogues you have been read will be reset. Also choice you have been choose. 

Thank you so much

You're welcome!

Now I am wondering, is it any different for mac systems? I have a friend of mine, fan of the game as well, that uses mac and he can't seem to be able to wipe the data like I could

In Mac, there should be in $HOME/Library/RenPy/Lustfuldesire... And also don't forget to remove in your game folder too.