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This is very well-presented in terms of artstyle and mechanics - I really love the tabletop aesthetic of this, and the basic idea of this sort of 2-player game on a tile map. Except I can't quite figure out what it is I'm trying to be doing. I can move the dice and activate the abilities (except some faces don't have abilities on them, in which case I can't end that die's turn - and in cases where I am blocked off from rolling to a face that does have an ability, the game softlocks, as far as I can tell - I don't even know how to exit to menu or restart the game). I also have no concept of health, nor victory.

Still, from what I can tell, this looks like it would be very fun if I knew what I was trying to be doing (and I had a friend to play it with). The mechanics of rolling around and doing the various attacks and jumps and things is fun in and of itself.