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While a servicable match-two card game, I really don't feel this matches the theming of "roll of the dice" very well at all. While you say that it's a, "personification of rolling the dice in terms of the game's art, direction, and outcomes", I don't really feel that algorithmically created art is really random, and while there is an element of randomness in card flipping games (since they have to be shuffled and dealt out into the playing field), I wouldn't really call it a, "personification of rolling the dice", either. Interesting experiment, but very simple gameplay, with it declaring you a winner after each set instead of proceeding to the next automatically, which felt very windows-3.1-solitaire-like. Not bad, but there's better mechanisms to continue playing than having to start a new iteration through a discrete button you have to click to reset, rather than a keyboard shortcut or auto-next-play. 

All in all, not fun (it's a match-two card game... they're not exactly hard or interesting gameplaywise at the best of times, especially when there's no limit to the number of guesses or dud cards); the visuals are interesting for being machine learning AI generated, but aren't really interesting otherwise, and the presentation is very simple beyond it being AI generated images. If you like that sort of surrealism, you'll probably like this game more, but for me, it really wasn't enjoyable at all.