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(1 edit) (+1)

Scratch's name has a reason, you start from scratch so no, the tiles are not a built in scratch feature. 

The reason i did not arrows was because the level editor remembers your inputs, if i included arrows this wouldve created longer booleans, which i wanted to avoid  since i created a if statement with about 12 booleans (in scratch you can combine booleans with and and or's) in another project. 

The collected dice do have an effect, try moving around without collecting dice. The number on the die adds to the amount of rolls you can do.

I wanted to add enemies but did not yet know how to do pathfinding and didnt want to follow a tutorial in a game jam

For the bug in level 3, every level activates the same script for the player, i cannot say more

About the level editor, yes i forgot to show the dice and made the three levels without realizing this.

And i made the level editor because i was too lazy and didnt want to make the levels by hand so i just shoved a little level editor in there

And for the audio, silence is not what i created so it was kind of a unpractical joke


Wow, so you handled how the tiles appear nicely! :) Great.

For the collected dice: oops, sorry, I missed that… :S There are so many games to test, it is easy for features to pass by the tester.

For the music: let’s say that The Sound of Silence is by Simon and Garfunkel, so that’s settled. X)

Thank you for your answers!