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(1 edit)

its okay, we get u can get pressed. i mean at ur age i was trying to do robotics and not online on social media much cuz it's kinda screwed up, and i get that it's summer but ur going into middle school which is a big step from elementary school, so u should be preparing urself cuz im just gonna say now, people in middle school are assholes. 

seriously. and i'm not trying to be a bitch just because it seems like it, recently my mental health and life have been going down hill and so that's probably part of the reason why i "cursed you out" which was nothing compared what i say to people when i'm actually super pissed. 

i'm here to give people advice and too make them laugh-that's it, seriously. and i sorta doubt, not saying ur a liar but, i doubt that your mother knows that u curse. just saying, and yes, i can guarantee you, it does say you have to be a 13+ to be on the website.

 i was 12 when i signed up but my birthday was in a few months so i didn't have to worry about people yelling at me, while you on the other hand is turning 12. i'm not gonna try to sound bitchy, just being honest-like i'm a person going into high school and HAS experienced middle school. 

and tbh curse at me all you want, don't give a shit cuz my best friend left me for the most dumbest fucking reason that doesn't make any sense, so-yeah. i mean i don't take shit on people, only when they provoke me to. okay? okay. 

glad we got that cleared. and that really isn't that long-it's like what i used to write in CTE, or actually no maybe 4 paragraphs more and it'd be CTE work. and i'm guessing you have zero clues what CTE is. it's career and technical education, which u probably don't care but ooookkkakyyyy- 

also i really wasn't attacking you, more like correcting you. theres a difference from attacking, and correcting.

i was doing it because i was agreeing to their statement and i wasn't agreeing to yours, so-you kinda have to edit that-heh-

also, the reason why i yell at people is for a reason. i may come from a very shitty father, but i know how to control myself. yes i got anger issues cuz of him but-point being is that i scolded at you for a reason. i don't go randomly yelling at people-seriously, less if they are younger than me. only in roblox cuz kids...they be dumbasses...but seriously i want people to be successful in school, like this year i plan to focus more on school than social media and friends. so trust me, middle school is going to be VERY important for your future, even though ur going into 6th grade. when i was your age all i wanted was too talk to my friends-and that brought me NO good.