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Now that was an idea I've not seen yet, and one that proved to be really fun. Really ran with the theme! And as a proof of concept, as you put it, I'm sold. I would love to see this more fleshed out, some AI changes as you know, different levels. Hell, even online multiplayer and leagues! Though perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself there. 

Only part which I never quite felt comfortable with (and this may just be me) were the controls - somehow WASD felt confusing with the isometric perspective. 

Hi! I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed it. I really appreciate the constructive feedback.

I got used to the WASD while testing so it wasn't really a problem, but I considered making the player move with mouse clicks. Either some arrows on each side of the die you can click on or straight up just dragging the mouse along the path you want to take. I also though of highlighting tiles within reach each turn. You think a similar solution would work or do you have other ideas?