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i loved the art of the game, but it was missing some audio and feedback in the battles. i would love to see more added to this game, as it was a fun entry that stands out! awesome job

Thanks a lot!

Initially, there should have been visual and sound effects, but time was unforgiving this week-end -.-'
Player feedback is really lacking during the battles, and it makes them confusing, so that will be higher on my priorities when I'll participate in my next jam.

And for the additionnal content: we had so much more dice, effects and mechanic ideas that didn't make the cut (forge repair for a broken die, looting an opponent's die after a victory so that player have to choose between break a powerful die to secure victory or keep it intact to try and get it, combining powers, etc). We're not sure if we're going to make a V2, but we definitly consider it!

Glad you had fun! =)