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(1 edit) (+1)(-4)


I've red some comments on this so I'll at least skip admiring the game and the reasons why its good

.., So I'll just adress the problems with the game, not something like errors or such but the things I don't like that is totaly subjective!

1. I really wishef that the game went the real-life-romance rather than focusing so much on the vr game life. There is so much unnecesery dialogue (in vr) that is pain in the a** and when I think oh finally we took off the vr set and then we wake up and againn take the vr set on and it adds even more dialogue and scenes in vr that make the game seem unprogressive in terms of: Development of relation between 2 characters and focuses directly on the plot or the rather called events in vr( like the one qhere ur stuck with nova and alex in the snow area sorrounded by vr police or smt )

2. Should contain more ecchi scenes that tease the player  rather than striking the player with unexpected H scene (Ive encojnteref the nova  scene and it just dsnt invoke any emotion other than shock..idk (this is just very subjective)

3. The game is very long and isnt replayable because there is just too much unnecessary dialogue and the connection between the girls can just disapear (making their avatar turn gray) and it just sucks tbh because im not going through hours of clicking to just twist the story and make it go in anither direction.

In the first 3 hours of the game 9/10

The vr part 0/10

(1 edit) (+6)(-1)

LOL... you  created this acc.  just to blame anyone´s else work ?   

Kinda sad...   first create something on your own before you criticise others.

1. There are thousands  real-life -romance games so be happy this one is original. 

2. According Caribdis 1st game... I think there will be more ecchi scenes in future.

3.  Real treasure of this game is unique story-line, cool humor, (and for me personally... awsome soundtrack). Ecchi scenes are just pleasent bonus.  To create such a good game plot, you really need long game with many dialogues.  But luckily those unexpected striking scenes and jokes keep the game fresh and entertaining. 

Have a nice day :)


You don't understand what constructive criticism is huh? What they said seems very fair. Also gave it very kindly. What are you on about lol?

(2 edits) (-2)

Usualy criticism is viewed as a good thing as it resembles another pov.

But you just dont seem to get it..

I wonder what happens when ypu get criticised. Do you usualy respond like that?

(2 edits) (+5)

The game is obviously about Eternum and that will always be the story's focus.
Sorry you didn't like it, but thanks for trying it anyway ^^