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interesting variation on the infinite runner genre.

some constructive criticisms:

the jump is really floaty. i would increase the gravity a bunch.

also, variable jump height would add a lot to a game like this. it can be pretty hard to implement, but a system i like is to apply a downward force when you release jump based on how long you help jump for.

enemies also move really fast for me. maybe slow them down a bit at the start.

also, the roll button doesn't need to be in the game. i would make it automatically roll when you finish your bullets. right now, its just another thing to worry about.

i think if you want the player to be able to move left and right, you need to make it meaningful. i think right now, the only reason you would move left and right is to account for how floaty the jump is. theres two paths you could take: you could lock the player in place like an infinite runner, or you could add some other mechanic that incentivizes the player to move.


good job on releasing something, its not as easy as most people think!

Hey thanks for the valuable feedback, I'll sure look into the things you said. This is my first rodeo with programming for a game jam, so yeah, I expected every control and feature I add to be janky and weird. But, as you said releasing something is not easy so I am happy with what I have made and will improve upon it further. Thanks again!