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I am definitly not  100% biased but obviously the games emotional and rich lore is incredible  and offers an imeasurable depth to an already insane game the gamedevs should've put this on steam and sold it for 300000000000 dollars and yet it still wouldnt be enough for this... this... work of chungas cannot even begin to describe this perfection.The sheer beauty cannot be justified in a thousand nay ten thousand nay a hundred thousand  nay a million  nay 10 milion  nay 100 million nay 69 nay 69420 nay 42069.The designers are amazingly talented and im suprised that this isnt a professional game made by valve or epic games although they should nay must imeadiatly hire the devs as this could really be the next portal in terms of quality i will now list the amount of potatoes in the game :


and now the amout of big chungases:

1 was more than enough

This deserves not only to win but to do perfect on every single category and win all of the spots in the top 20 at once for the deapth and feel of of the game is simply to good to deserve any less like holy shit this is beyond perfection and I would fight anyone who disagrees