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Feature request - assign parameters to extra channels on controller

A topic by williamrgrant created Oct 09, 2016 Views: 549 Replies: 3
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Just got a Taranis X9D, and the FANTASTIC FPV Freerider Reloaded.

I noticed on the calibration screen there is a lot of extra channels. Would it be possible to extend the current mechanism to allow for channels adjusting parameter settings?

For example: I would like to assign one of the side slider knobs to the camera tilt angle setting so I don't have to exit to the menu and adjust every time I want to change the view.

But I can imagine other more experienced pilots would like to modify other parameters, say with toggle switch ranges or something.

Developer (1 edit)

Glad you like it!

While that would be possible, I don't want to go down that road. There are so many different types of controllers, with different 2-way/3-way switches/knobs etc. I can foresee that it will cause a lot of headache for people. There is already sort of a way to do it though - you can map the keyboard shortcuts to a button/switch on your transmitter with a program such as this:

Ah ok.

Well then could you add some more of the options to keybord shortcuts?

Such as camera up/down?

Or maybe just have like a setting storage system with user slots that could be assigned to numbers 1-4 or something.


Yes, maybe I will add a shortcut to tilt camera up/down later on.

Or a shortcut to the user slots, that is a good idea.

(There is already two user slots available in custom settings in the latest version as you may know, no keyboard shortcut though)