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Ah, I see, yeah it's more of 'you understand this?'. I can hook you up with the whole scene  later.

Thank you very much! And yeah, I tried pretty hard so that it's 100% translated hahaha.

I don't read that much myself, but yeah I really need to get other people to go through the scripts from now on, can't just rely on myself since I can improve the quality of the translation with other people's help, like this time.

Oh thank you for the offer! i would feel bad if I asked you to go through the scripts for free, but I contacted you in Steam so let's see what we can come up with. Yeah VNs are nice, but I just really love gameplay features like puzzles, crafting, adventuring, leveling up and finding a secret room inside a secret room is basically the best thing ever for me hahaha.

Yeah I just had to go with this game first, love at first sight. Thank you again for the offer to help! I would be very happy if you could go through my scripts, but like I said, it would feel wrong asking you to do it for free. Let's chat more in Steam and I hope we'll get along for a long time!