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I look at you and I see something more important for my ribcage to guard than my own heart. Protections assigned invert, envelop our world, space held. What my cage lifts to connect a love to. I find the dirt or am in it haphae and neurons gather under fire voices and set. I roll over in a corkscrew, limbs made consumate earth shattering faults. Fog drapes me like a gown, or I feel your breath. We tie our cores together, or horizons find our cliff to break on. Aurora lick the sky, or our toe scratch’s out a laugh. As we read this, or take celestial action.

Thank you for making this. I needed the text file

Wow. Thank you so much for sharing this, it's incredible and gorgeous and so much. I'm in awe that this was ever inspired by something I made.

I'm glad the text file was helpful, I'm still working out the kinks (;3) in the game file.