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(5 edits)

a really, really good game. sweet, funny, romantic. dialogue always decent to often good, key characters are developed. the animation/art really grew on me too (as opposed to the more photorealism of BeingAdik, etc).

I'd buy this (and also buy it after the fact) is if was more easily purchased say off a platform like steam. i'll have to catch you on patreon, though, although i don't like their politics (i recently stopped supporting via them).

You mentioned subscribestar? are they a fair platform, in your opinion? you prefer them over patreon?

(1 edit)

SubscribeStar policies are a lot fairer when it comes to adult content, yeah.
Also, I post exactly the same on both platforms, so if you'd like to support my games, I 100% recommend it!

Thank you so much in any case!!