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and then I called her and she started asking me questions bur I told her that I couldn't go inside and she was laughing 

oh, yikes. Uhm, sometimes I laugh when I’m uncomfortable and during a serious situation it’s 

Yea, I get it, but I wish she would've said something 🤷🏾‍♀️ I probably shouldn't have gone to her in the first place 

well, are you okay?

kinda, I'm not shaking anymore but every little thing is pissing me of rn, it could be because of my hormones or the situation idk 🤷🏾‍♀️

Yeah. It makes sense for stressful situations like this.

my dad showed me a dead mouse on the sidewalk and I got rlly mad, it wasn't a small thing bcz he knows that I cry whenever I see dead animals / get rlly sad or disgusted 😕

it’s not exactly the best reaction. Maybe that’s what’s happening?
