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Hi, guys, Name is Tony, ive been coding for 8 years, modeling for 2 1/2 on and off and havent touched vr yet outside small little projects that dont really do much. im pretty confident at coding game mechanics but havent actually done much games dev since uni, so im going to be a little rusty out the gate. ive used Unity and Unreal, and explored godot so im pretty versed in all of them. im looking to join a team mostly to take the opportunity to learn. this will be my first game jam in 3 years. looking forward to hearing from people

Discord ID: LiteLotus#1337

Hello Lotus! If you're interested in teaming up with a game designer for developing in Unreal Engine 4 or 5 in this jam let me know! :D

I've already sent you a friend request on Discord if you want to keep talking ^^

Discord I'd Muggzie#8777