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I own this game! How do I download Act XI? Nothing works for PC when I click to download it!


Hi Dignitatum, you need to click "Download Now", click on the link "No thanks, just take me to the downloads" and you'll arrive in a page with the PC download button. In any case I have copied here the link directly:

If you have any issues please write us again!


For a support level of $50 or $100 q month, a  patron is guaranteed a custom illustration. 

Can the patron request that the picture only be created by Captain Dunsel?

Hi Dignitatum, all the commissioned pictures are created by Captain Dunsel (as all the bonus images on the Patreon site).

I'll send you an email to explain.

For everybody: for each 100$ you have spent (here on Patreon) you can ask a free commissioned image, see this post for details:

OK, Cancel my $5 support and sign me up for Tier $100, using the same credit card at the beginning of each month (so the Captain has enough time. When should I send him my first request? Do you need anymore information from me?


Sorry, I missed that you are already a supporter on Patreon!

We can continue the discussion by email.

About your subscription, if you are asking me to change your support tier, we cannot, we haven't directly credit card and tier change information, all is managed by Patreon. In any case I'm sending now another email to with all the options that you can have to have free an image.

If is not ok to discuss this by email please write me in the Patreon message chat.

Thanks again for your great support!


E-mail is fine.