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Uhm..I told my friend that I had a dream abt this guy and when we were in school I was talkin abt how I found him attractive and he had a nice personality but I didn't have a crush on him..

Today she told me that he said he ddreamt abt her and she keeps talking about it

I know that she might not think I'm jealous but I kept said "oh" in hopes that she stops talking abt it. 

Shes playing with him rn and talking to him and saying she has a crush on him or whatever. That's all she does, plays with people's emotions. I feel really bad because her first bf in the school year actually liked her but she didn't even like him. I'm so tired of everyone liking her more and her always talking about it.

One time I was rlly down abt it and tried to talk to one of my other friends and she made it about herself.

I keep telling you, you need better friends

if I dumped them my mum would definitely have s something to say..


because the last time I tried to stop being friends with someone she took away my phone and said I was bullying..

what. Bullying, bullying my ass. If anything, they’re the ones bullying.

we're otp rn and I told her I didn't want to hear you the story and shes still telling me

wow. Just wow.

I just turned her down bcz I literally said I didn't want to hear it. And she legit sent me screenshots of the messages