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(1 edit)

I see that you have improved the game a lot since the game jam!

I like the polishing touches you have made on the game, I think if the polish level was like this during the game jam, you could make it to the top 20!

The main menu of the game and the options menu in general look polished. Maybe you can add a sound effect to section changes in the main menu to give the player feedback. For example, when the player changes their focus from "Start" to "Options," you can play a sound that indicates the player's input was recognized. Other than that, I think the main menu, in general, is pretty on-point! Considering the game scene, the UI touch you have made is also noticeable and remarkable, good job on those!

I have a few issues with the gameplay though. The switching animation feels a bit clunky. I think you can increase its speed a little and also make it play a sound effect on input and when it switches. For example, if I press "D," it should play a sound effect to indicate that my input is recognized, and after the switching sides are done, it should play another sound effect to tell me that now I can shoot the enemies. I think a little speed bump and player feedback with sound effects can improve the game feel!

Other than the issue above, I have a suggestion that you can try. Although I think this idea will make the gameplay more fun, it might also not work. The idea is about only spawning enemies that are in the color of the player's weapon, and the colors adjacent to it. For example, if the player is using the pink shape, the enemies should only spawn in colors other than yellow since switching from pink to yellow requires 2 inputs, and enemies most of the time make their way to the player in that time frame. If the side-switching animation was shorter, I think this feature would not be necessary, but if you plan to keep the switching animation like it is right now, I think this may be a cool addition to the game since I think it would make the game more dynamic.

Overall, the improvements you made to the game are noticeable and I enjoyed playing it once more. I have made a score of around 3300 after a few tries, and I can say that the core gameplay loop is pretty solid!

Keep up the good work!