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Uhm I was bored so imma talk about some of my favorite Gorillaz songs- you can see me progressively get more lazy with my explanation of what's good abt the song.

Kids With Guns: a good song to bop your head to, I really like the bass line, it's simple but like... it's just so good for some reason. I do feel like the end is just a bit cluttered but still a good song nonetheless.

Dirty Harry: rapping is good but I'd have to say it was my least favorite part of the song. I've listened to the song multiple times, and I really like the instrumental, it's very... idk it's got a vibe yk. And the kids singing these lyrics just adds more weight to the meaning.

Feel Good Inc.: like many, many, many others, I was introduced to Gorillaz via Feel Good Inc. and this song will never not be good. I've memorized the lyrics by heart, I can recite them to you right now. The instrumental just scares me because it's like... it just doesn't sound right without 2-D.

Every Planet We Reach Is Dead: the 4th Demon Days song in a row... uh anyway I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS SONG BECAUSE WHY WOULDN'T I BE. It's absolutely gorgeous. I just- all I have to say is, mwa, chef's kiss.

DARE: •3• uhm... so Demon Days is rlly good huh... IT'S DARE- uh so if you don't like something in the world, instead of whining about it and being a big pissy baby, GO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. I like that, very nicu, much vibe.

Clint Eastwood: 2-D be like *monkey noises*, he also sounds like his nose is blocked. Like- does he need a tissue or something? But I do like the vocals. I also like the bass line... again, it's simple but cool. Uh very nice song. It's about drugs!

Rock The House: who's playing the flute. WHO'S PLAYING THE FLUTE???????? Uh anyway, the trumpet is good, I want it to be played at my funeral so everyone will be crying and then it's just "S H A K E  Y O U R  A S S" because who wouldn't want that. Fun funeral, and everyone will realize they never actually knew me, they only knew what I let them know.

Momentary Bliss: THIS IS IT, THIS IS THE ONE- I just love how it's so aggressively positive. I've also memorized the lyrics to this. I think I've listened to this song a total of 5728983723928373456 times. My brain has become a slushy from headbanging. This is the song that will save me from Vencussy.

Souk Eye: *through tears* I'm not crying you are. Dude- you can hear 2-D sniffling as he plays the piano keyboard whatever, SHIT MAN- aughfshfghaughfaushuhysahudgau- HE WAS CRYING- YOU CAN'T DO THAT- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Cracker Island: "We're here for the cult stuff. We saw the ad on craigslist." uh anyway, me likey. I mean it's good and I love the vibe, would join the cult 100% uh- it's not really over the top amazing wow best song but it's really good.

19-2000: waw, nicey. IDK what else to say other than I really like it. I also cannot tell what instrument is what- I'm not a musician. I really like the music that I couldn't take apart for the life of me. But it is very noicu.

Pac-Man: You guys know me by now. I like this song because Pac-Man and Gorillaz. What else do you need? Nothing. Also Russel drumming by punching the punching bag is just such a fun thing.

The Pink Phantom: Elton John. That's all I have to say, thank you ladies and gentlemen and other human beings.

Aries: It was so fucking cute until the pickled cactus ruined it.

Rhinestone Eyes: waw (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

Tranz: so I listened more closely to the lyrics... I'm just gonna say it's about a drug trip and ignore the other possible option for the meaning of the lyrics. Uh also, trance music is so nice and idk why, I just like it.

Humility: did 2-D just slap Jack Black's ass???????? Funny, yes, but not funny haha, funny weird. Uh anyway, very nice, summery vibe, also sad, I'm sad, this album makes me sad.

On Melancholy Hill: very cute song.

Strange Timez: Gorillaz music videos are just drug trips istg.

The Valley of the Pagans: OnE hUnDrEd MiLlIoN vIaGrA tAbLeTs- uh very cool song, also gta.

The Lost Chord: Oh my god... *crying* I'm crying for more reasons than one.

Desole: I... but the pickled cactus... guys... the pickled cactus... *more cryinggggg* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Saturnz Barz: I really like 2-D's vocals coming in at the end, it's rlly nice, also this music video is just so funny- like... dude.

Friday 13th: Oh boy... uhm... the instrumental is nice. And only the instrumental.

I could keep going but... do you know how many songs there are... hundreds... hundreds of songs... I am not that dedicated.