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The secret skull currently infinitely duplicates itself. Enmasse. It also corrupts other interactables (including the secret phone room; Very cheeky, by the way). When all was said and done and having found the final secret with no real achievement to it, I ended up crashing New Mombasa purely with skulls. It was a moment of joy. 

Very solid atmosphere and experience, albeit with issues of being stuck on some areas and the secret pads being underwhelming (for self explained reasons). Still, it was a very impressive showcase of what someone can do in Unreal 5, and me and my friends had a blast figuring out the secret and appreciating the atmosphere. 

Witness my field of death. Good stuff, Gearshift.

How did you progress past Kikowani station?

Kikowani station is a dead-end, and the last fully explorable area, as far as I could tell. There is no traditional ending I've found, but the secret seems to be the end-goal conclusion since it comes with a nice visual.