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This was fun! The game has a good core and I look forward to seeing what else you build onto it. I do enjoy building and trying out new cards in the deck. I feel like the tick of hunger every two turns works well and keeps a challenge without making it impossible.

Also, since we only have the three movement points on each turn after the first turn, could we choose to instead save any that we don't use to add to the next turn?

I'm curious - would it be possible to use Action Points to draw cards in the future? In the first couple of playthroughs (before I unlocked more cards), I kept going several turns without using Action Points at all. 

There were also a couple bugs I figure you'd want to know about: 

(Windows 10, TTL v9.8.0)

I was able to move down through a wall at one point. I took a screenshot of the wall in question but I'm afraid didn't think to get a full-screen shot at the time for more context. 

I also found what another player called the "Abyss." It may or may not be relevant to the issue, but I did use a Map card nearby at the bottom of the gameboard/map itself. I hope that helps further bug tracking/insight.

I look forward to seeing what you do next!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for your feedback! I'm glad you like the game! <3

About the Abyss bug:

I have found the reason of moving through a wall, it seems that i did not check if you get out of bounds of the map, and then everything falls apart. Fix is comming for that :)

Also it happens when a room generates at the border of the map. I will need to look into that.

Empty deck:

I am working now on a discard pile that saves all the cards you used in current game session. When the deck goes empty, you'll shuffle your discard pile and use it as your deck.

Action Points:

Action point ballancing will come soon, i need to gather more feedback regarding the cards. For example, if i should bump every card cost by 1, so every card costs at least one point (except AP recovery cards). They are more revelant at the later stages of the game right now.

Movement points: 

At start of each turn you'll roll a D10 dice, this will determine your movement points.