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I can't seem to defeat any of the bosses. I am just not fast enough. Is there an easy mode or something? This is getting frustrating...


There's no easy mode but Mofu plans on adding more items in the future that will make gameplay easier. So far what you can do is to use the bow since it makes the bossfights fairly easier and also buy some food from the shop to regain your HP.

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I don't consider her to be  a boss since she is indeed fairly easy to defeat. The bow works quite well, but switching to food during the fight, eating and dodging at the same time is what is giving me trouble. Also that when you get hit, you tend to end up in an endless combo of attacks that kill you off. Maybe some sort of "safe zone" would work? I can't imagine I'm the only one having trouble with that. I must say I'm used to play with a mouse, what makes things easier. My eye hand coordination on a keyboard is not that great, so I need a "fixed" hand position on the kb or I need to look down and that kills me too. I am used to do fairly advanced fights in other games but with a mouse. I already changed key bindings to the ones I'm more used to but no cigar.

This game may be easy to operate with a game controller.😁

Yes, also I plan to add items that increase the max of LIFE and MP in the future😉


That might work too. Love the game itself very much btw. I don't want to sound all negative. Love the graphics, the immersion and such. 

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Yes, I also think that method is so good.👍

Yeah I did that. I get killed anyway. Almost got the Shroom Boss though with that. After that not anymore.

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I'm not asking for that, although I appreciate your effort. I can imagine that you an end the game without a problem after a while. I don't have tons of time however to get really into it. I just wanted to point out that the boss fights are not always possible for everybody. I don't want to cheat. I also want to put out my compliments towards mofu for his efforts. I wouldn'y have sent a message if I didn't like the game.

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Thank you so much for uploading your wonderful play video!🤗

Please use the dash (RT button) and rolling (Y button). They make the game so easy.👍

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Did that. I'm not a noob. But with only dodging, you can't win from a boss. Somehow the combination of dodging, fighting, healing up is not working (for me). Maybe a few "pauses" in boss attacks might help, so you can heal up a bit easier?

Surely it would be good to add a few pauses to boss attacks. I would consider adding it.👍