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A lot of what you're mentioning needs work, I agree.  I made the menus placeholder for now, next demo will have them properly working and explained.  The "main level" isn't an actual level, it is just a sky, so don't worry you didn't miss much.  Run toggle needs to be worked on, right now you walk if you hold the interact key.  I plan to have an option toggle for toggling run/walk and setting which is the default (default walk OR default run).  The camera control might change, I've been considering making it work less like Mega Man Legends and a bit more like modern 3D game cameras.  Music stopping isn't intentional, I set the wrong pause behavior of the audio player it is playing from.  Main menu is a bit buggy and lacking in design, I agree.  It will be getting some big changes in the near future.

Thank you for checking out the demo and providing feedback.  A lot of what you mentioned is already intended to be fixed/changed, it all definitely reaffirms those goals.