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I'm guessing you're failing to realize that

first of all: this game is still in development.

Second: this is from what I understand a very small team making this.

Third: It is not made by a huge gaming company.

Fourth: It does not have a million dollar budget.

Fifth: You are not giving criticism, you are only giving one clear fault in the game and not giving any advice as what to fix.

Sixth: And from someone who is currently studying coding, it can be incredibly difficult to fix faults in your code if they're hard to find.

comparing it to the literally hundreds of adult games that I've played this is by far one of the best and it isn't even finished. So please stop complaining and wait for a completed game or take your baseless complaining elsewhere.

i've said multiple times that whats my problem also didnt ask wasnt helpful.

I am not saying all that to help you I'm just saying that if you're getting so annoyed with a game (developer) then don't bother yourself with it.