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Thanks so much for your suggestions!!! This was my first game jam and my main goal was to finish a game to submit so I went veryyy simple with the content. I think the volume knob is a great idea! My in-game reason for not putting sound in for the flashes was because it was supposed to be hard for the other students to solve the puzzle to the principal's door but of course, Greg is so elite to be able to solve the puzzle. :P My own reason for not putting them in was because I have never done sound in a game before and wasn't sure how to easily implement it (the morse puzzle alone was 400 ish lines of code and playing a sound with that the way I'm imagining of doing it would add another 200 lines. Plus I'm not sure how to make the audio actually play from the flashing light itself and not directly on top of Greg). But the volume knob would solve that in-game reason - Greg would find the knob whereas others could not. I also like the idea of adding more puzzles like you said, a panel to hide the morse or even the volume knob is a great idea. I only had about a week of time I could actually spend working on the game and trying to limit scope was another big thing I focused on. Plus I wanted people to see the end of the game as that's where the main story actually is. Thanks again for playing and for your incredible suggestions :)